The name of this organization shall be the North Dakota Association of School Administrators.
The primary objects of this association shall be to provide leadership for excellence in learning by making constructive studies and recommendations regarding school problems and concerns, to improve the financial commitment to elementary and secondary education in the State of North Dakota, and to foster a wholesome professional spirit and loyalty among the school administrators of the State. A secondary object shall be to promote the general welfare in the field of school administration and supervision.
ARTICLE III - Membership
Section 1. Membership in the North Dakota Association of School Administrators shall consist of active, honorary, and associate members.
Section 2. Active Members: All persons who are engaged in educational administrative positions in North Dakota shall be eligible for active membership.
Section 3. Associate Members: Any person retired from the field of education administration or actively involved in a capacity of college, university, and state department personnel, is eligible for associate membership. Associate members shall enjoy all the rights and privileges of regular membership except the rights of voting and holding office. Dues will be 50% of active memberships.
Section 4. Honorary Memberships: Honorary memberships are divided into two categories: Quarter Century Club Membership and Honorary Life Membership.
A. Quarter Century Membership shall consist of those individuals who have served 25 years in the field of educational administration, 15 years of which shall have been served in North Dakota positions that qualify for eligibility for NDASA membership, and they must be NDASA members during the year of the selection.
B. Honorary Life Membership may be granted to individuals who have distinguished themselves for outstanding service in the field of educational administration. Criteria for selection shall include: (1) Candidate must have been retired for at least two years. (2) Candidate must have been a member of NDASA for at least ten years and must have made a significant contribution to NDASA as a board member, a committee person or must have served in an official capacity in the NDASA. Selection procedures are defined in the Board Policies.
ARTICLE IV - Officers
Section 1. The officers of this association shall be a president, president-elect, and a secretary-treasurer. The president-elect shall be elected at the winter conference for a term of two years commencing with the board of directors meeting at the summer conference. The NDCSA Executive Director shall serve as the secretary-treasurer of the NDASA.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of two representatives from each of the four districts in addition to the officers of the organization, two at large members from the North Dakota School Study Council and the AASA Governing Board Representatives elected at large. Voting members of the Board shall consist of the president, president-elect, past president, and the ten directors. The Board of Directors shall meet at such time as the president or majority of the Board of Directors deems necessary.
Section 3. One director from each district shall be elected each year for a two-year term. Directors may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The NDSSC president shall appoint the directors from the NDSSC for two-year terms.
Section 4. When a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors, each district nominating committee will submit two names for each vacancy at the winter conference. A mail vote will be taken in February and the new directors will take office at the summer conference board meeting.
The annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors, payable in advance and the membership shall be from a period of one year from date of payment. Each member of the NDASA must also be a member of the NDCSA. The association shall be empowered to receive donations from any source whatsoever.
ARTICLE VI - District Organization
Four districts shall be organized in the state to include the following counties:
Northeast District: Griggs, Steele, Pembina, Walsh, Grand Forks, Nelson, Ramsey, Cavalier, Towner, Rolette, Benson, Eddy, Foster, Traill.
Southeast District: Cass, Barnes, Stutsman, Kidder, Logan, LaMoure, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Dickey, McIntosh, Emmons.
Northwest District: Divide, Burke, Renville, Bottineau, Pierce, McHenry, Ward, Mountrail, Williams, McKenzie, McLean, Sheridan, Wells.
Southwest District: Golden Valley, Billings, Dunn, Mercer, Oliver, Burleigh, Stark, Morton, Sioux, Grant, Hettinger, Adams, Slope, Bowman.
The districts shall hold a meeting at least twice a year and at such time as the district organizations shall decide.
ARTICLE VII - Meetings
Section 1. The general membership shall meet at least twice a year in October and January.
ARTICLE VIII - Committees
Section 1. The president-elect shall appoint two members from each region to the Education Finance and Legislative committee in May with approval by the Board of Directors at the summer board meeting. Each of the committees shall be informed of their duties at the summer conference.
Section 2. Ad hoc committees may be appointed at the discretion of the President.
Section 3. The standing committees of the NDASA shall be an Education Finance and Legislative Committee and a Nominating Committee.
A. Education Finance Committee: The mission of this committee is to study concepts of financing elementary and secondary education and recommend legislation for funding general, vocational, and special education in North Dakota schools; and make recommendations concerning such to the NDASA Board of Directors.
B. Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall be comprised of the current president and the three immediate past-presidents. They shall nominate one name for president-elect, with other nominations from the floor.
Section 4. The standing and ad hoc committees shall be given a budget.
Section 5. The standing committees will give written and oral reports to the Board of Directors at the April board meeting.
ARTICLE IX - Affiliation
It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to affiliate with the American Association of School Administrators and the North Dakota Council of School Administrators to the extent that the constitutions permit. The membership of this association shall be separate and distinct from the AASA, but it shall be the objective of this association to seek the composite membership of the two organizations.
ARTICLE X - Use of Funds
The funds of the association shall be used to defray expenses of the operation of the association including printing, stationery, postage, telegraph, clerical assistance, speakers, etc., and traveling expenses of officers or members of committees of the association. All expense accounts must be submitted as bills and be approved by the president and treasurer of the association. The financial records shall be audited annually by an auditor selected by the Board of Directors.
Twenty percent of the active members of the association shall constitute a quorum. Six Board members constitute a quorum for Board of Directors meetings.
ARTICLE XII - Amendments
Any member of the association or the Board of Directors may submit an amendment to be discussed at the January meeting. The amendment must be in the hands of the secretary at least 60 days before the January meeting and the secretary must mail copies of said amendment to each member of the association at least 10 days before the January meeting. The proposed amendment may then be adopted by the majority vote of the membership through a mail ballot.
ARTICLE XIII - Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these by-laws and any special rule of order the Association may adopt.