About Us
The North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders is the state professional association devoted exclusively to protecting educational leaders' interests and making their interests known in all educational matters in North Dakota.
It is composed of ten associations (see State Affiliates) that include superintendents, secondary principals, elementary principals, county superintendents, special education directors, vocational education directors, school business officials, athletic directors, technical directors, and regional education agency directors.
The purpose of the NDCEL is to establish communications among the members of the constituent associations to achieve mutual goals, achieve higher standards, give sound counsel to state and community leaders, and improve the status of school administrators in North Dakota.
The NDCEL provides a wide variety of services to its members. These benefits include professional and personal legal assistance, professional development opportunities, legislative representation, publications, liaison with other state education agencies, consultant-research-information services, and opportunities to network with other school administrators.
We specifically serve leaders in these education roles:
Secondary principals
Elementary principals
County superintendents
Special education directors
Career and Technical Education Directors
School business officials
Athletic directors
Technical directors
Regional education agency directors
NDCEL is an umbrella membership organization that serves ten smaller membership organizations that are based on roles in education. The ways we serve our members are providing them with with professional and personal legal assistance, quality professional development opportunities, legislative representation, publications, liaison with other state education agencies, consultant-research-information services, and opportunities to network with other school administrators.
Monday-Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM
Summer hours:
Monday-Thursday 8 AM-4:30 PM
Friday 8 AM-3:30 PM
The great state of North Dakota!
Our unofficial motto is "do what's best for kids". Everything we do revolves around this. Our passion is providing educational leaders with what they need to give students the best educational journey. We take care of our members so they can take care of others.