North Dakota Association of Honor Society (NDAHS)
The North Dakota principal's organization is sponsoring the North Dakota Association of Honor Society (NDAHS). We follow the same guidelines as the national organization. For more information on the NDAHS, please contact Tonya Hunskor at 701-537-3197 or Kaili Opp at 701-258-3022.
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2024-2025 North Dakota Association of Honor Society
2024-2025 NDAHS Certificate Request Form
2025 Spring Conference Registration Estimated #'s
2025 Spring Conference
Registration FINAL #'s
*this will be open Day 1 of Conference, once you know your Final attendance numbers
April 27-28, 2025
Bismarck Hotel, Bismarck
Election Guidelines-
*please note there have been changes*
April 2025 Service Project:
Are you a speaker wanting to present at one of our Student Activities Conferences? Click here to be considered for an upcoming conference!
NDAHS LOGO: (downloadable .jpeg)
NDAHS Local Chapter Fillable Student Application Form-SAMPLE 1
NDAHS Local Chapter Fillable Student Application Form-SAMPLE 2
NDAHS Banner Order Information
Table Cloth and Wall Banner Order Form
For more information, please contact Scott Woodmansee directly at swoodmansee@bsnsports.com
North Dakota Association of Honor Society - Chapter Guidelines
The NDAHS is under the sponsorship of the North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals.
The school principal of the NDAHS school has the right to approve all activities and decisions of the NDAHS chapter.
The principal shall appoint a NDAHS advisor.
The principal shall appoint a Faculty Council of three to five members. The number shall be the principal's choice but should reflect the size of the school.
The principal shall have the final decision on all appeals regarding discipline or dismissal of NDAHS members.
The NDAHS advisor has the responsibility of the day-to-day operations of the organization.
The NDAHS advisor has the responsibility to serve as a liaison to all key stakeholders in the school organization including the superintendent, the principal, the school board, the faculty, the student body, and the community in which the school district serves.
The NDAHS advisor has the final responsibility for the organization's files on membership, finances, and activities.
The NDAHS advisor has the final responsibility for maintaining records pertaining to the NDAHS members' eligibility.
The NDAHS advisor should provide leadership for the NDAHS chapter's executive board.
The NDAHS advisor will serve on the Faculty Council as a non-voting member.
Faculty Council will consist of three to five faculty members appointed annually by the principal.
Members of the Faculty Council do not have term limits but must be appointed each year.
The Faculty Council will meet once a year to read and select the applicants for the NDAHS chapter.
The Faculty Council will meet as needed to consider dismissal and disciplinary cases.
Membership in the NDAHS chapter is an honor based on the following qualities: Leadership, Character, Service, and Scholarship.
A student has the responsibility to maintain and further develop the qualities that initially made them eligible for NDAHS membership.
A student becomes a member of the NDAHS when inducted at a ceremony conducted by current members of the NDAHS.
The NDAHS advisor and the current members of NDAHS develop the ceremony.
A NDAHS member who transfers from another school is automatically a member of the local NDAHS chapter. The individual has one semester to meet the local NDAHS chapter's requirements.
The selection for NDAHS members must meet the state organization's minimum standards.
The minimum standard for scholarship is 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Schools may establish a higher standard.
The minimum standard for service is 10 hours of volunteer service per school year. Schools may establish a higher standard.
NDAHS chapters can establish their own criteria for leadership, and character.
The NDAHS discourages the use of only grade point as the final determination of an applicant's consideration.
The selection of each member shall be determined by a simple majority vote by the faculty council.
The selection process of the members should be available upon request.
The Faculty Council in conjunction with the NDAHS Advisor and the high school Principal will establish the discipline and dismissal procedures.
A written description of the discipline and dismissal procedures will be made available to all interested parties.
A member who drops below the original standards for acceptance in the NDAHS will be given a warning and a reasonable amount of time to correct the deficiency.
A member who violates a school's code of conduct may face immediate dismissal from the NDAHS by action of the Faculty Council.
A member of NDAHS who receives a warning or faces dismissal shall have the right to a hearing before the Faculty Council. This meets the criteria of due process.
For purposes of a warning or dismissal, a majority vote of the Faculty Council is required.
A member who has been warned or dismissed may appeal to the principal of the school for a final decision.
NDASSP or NDSAA will not hear any appeals but may be consulted by the member, the faculty advisor, or the faculty council.
The local NDAHS chapter is automatically part of the state NDAHS.
Local chapters are encouraged to participate in state-wide NDAHS activities.
Local NDAHS chapters are encouraged to run candidates for the state NDAHS executive board at the NDAHS state convention.