State Affiliates
NDASA (Superintendents): All persons who are engaged in educational administrative positions in North Dakota. Note: NDASA has unified dues with NDCEL and superintendents must join both associations.
NDASSP (Secondary School Principals): Open to any person who is a certified administrator and acts in an executive capacity in any secondary school. Note: NDASSP has unified dues with NDCEL and secondary principals must join both associations.
NDAESP (Elementary School Principals): Elementary Principals and Middle Level Principals engaged in administration and supervision of elementary and middle schools, and those in professional education of elementary and middle school personnel.
NDIAAA (Athletic Administrators): Membership is available to an individual who has responsibility for directing, coordinating, or supervising the interscholastic athletic program in a North Dakota accredited school.
NDATL (Technology Leaders): All persons who are engaged in educational technology leadership and support in North Dakota.
NDREAL (Regional Education Leaders): Open to any member of the North Dakota Regional Education Association whose major responsibility is the administration and supervision of Regional Education Association programs and goals.
NDCTEA (Career/Tech Administrators): Open to any member of North Dakota Association for Career and Technical Education whose major responsibility is the administration and supervision of career & technical education in any public school system, high school or career center, area career & technical school, career tech department heads in a college or university, or state entity.
NDACS (County Superintendents): All county superintendents within the state of North Dakota.
NDSESC (Special Education Directors)
NDASBO (School Business Officials)