NDASA - Superintendents
Headlines and Features
2024-2025 State Aid Schools Worksheet
The primary objectives of NDASA are to provide leadership for excellence in learning, to improve the financial commitment to elementary and secondary education, and to foster a wholesome professional spirit and loyalty among the school administrators of the state. A secondary object is to promote the general welfare in the field of school administration and supervision.
Professional Development
Fall Conference – an annual two-day conference featuring outstanding keynote speakers and multiple workshops.
Midwinter Conference – an annual two-day conference featuring speakers, mini sessions on school improvement issues, legislative issues, panel discussions, committee reports, the annual business meeting and honors banquet.
Summer Conference – an annual three-day meeting that features an informal setting with family activities.
Regional Meetings – two or more meetings a year to develop grassroots input on any area affecting education in North Dakota. Develop proposals for consideration by the NDASA.
Cooperative Efforts – work with North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders, North Dakota School Board Association, North Dakota Education Association, Department of Public Instruction and others to provide in-service opportunities and develop position statements.
Any NDASA member may make a written request to the Executive Director of the NDCEL requesting an answer to a legal question or problem.
Legislative bills are monitored regularly by the NDASA Legislative Committee and the NDCEL Legislative Committee for response on issues affecting education.
A Legislative Network links administrators across the state for effective response to legislators.
Testimony before legislative and state committees presents the perspective of the administrators.
A highly informative monthly newsletter
The Legislative Beacon
Updates from the Executive Director
NDASA, serving over 175 administrators in North Dakota in association with 700 administrators in NDCEL, is the distinctive voice of North Dakota Administrators facing the challenge of the future.